Board´s meeting, 12.03.-14.03., Wandlitz (GER)
The VDES sports organization organized a regular meeting of the USIC Board on March 12-13 in Wandlitz, chaired by USIC President Christophe Parel. The members of the Board heard information from the President, General Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman of the CTT and discussed in particular the current status of USIC membership, the fulfillment of members' financial obligations, the content of the international championship calendar, and the situation in the organizational provision of sports events. Another part of the meeting was devoted to the preparation of the USIC General meeting, which will be held in May this year in Bratislava, Slovakia. The Board also approved the merger of the men's and women's championships, which are currently organized separately in some sports. The change was required by the current situation and in the future we would organize sports competitions according to a unified model as country championships.
61st USIC General meeting, 20.5.-23.5.2025 in Bratislava (SVK)
The 61st General meeting will take a place between 20th and 23rd of May 2025 in Bratislava in Slovakia. Please keep the deadlines for the registration form and the payment of the participation fee.
Announcement of the GM.pdf
Registration form.doc