The Chairman Core Technical Team shall deal with any technical matters arising from international championships and any other international railsport matters, in particular the following duties:
- Championships Calender - Sport Regulations - Disciplines Rules - Tournament Schedule - Medals - USIC Trophy - Ensuring the orderly cunduct of international railsport event in accordance with applicable rules.
The Core Technical Team defines the discipline-rules for USIC Championships and oversees their correct implementation.
If need be, the Chairman Core Technical Team may set up a sub-committee and if necessary after consulting with the General Secretary and the Treasurer.
In addition to the Core Technical Team members, sports experts or representatives of organising countries may attend the Core Technical Team meetings in an advisory capacity.
CTT consists of The Chairman of Core Technical Team (France) and four countries
who were elected by the General meeting.
The following countries are currently approved:
- Bulgaria
- Denmark
- Poland
- Slovakia