The General Meeting, the International Governing Body, consists of 16 national associations from Europe as well as India and Kazakhstan.

It fulfils a role similar to that of the International Olympic Organisation and allocates international championships to countries on an application basis. The highest body within USIC is its General Meeting of all member countries which is held every year.

The General Meeting shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a) Approval of the General Secretary’s annual report of Association activities

b) Approval of the annual statement of accounts of the previous financial years as well as the budget proposals for the following financial years

c) In straight years Election of:

    - the President of the Association
    - the Vice-President
    - the General Secretariat
    - the Treasurer
    - the Chairman Core Technical Team
    - the Auditors

d) Appointment of an Honorary President or any honorary members

e) Conferment of any awards

f) Deciding on the admission or expulsion of any members

g) Setting the level of annual membership fee

h) Setting and handling the level of the, Participation Fee and Organisation Fee

i) Setting and handling the level of the USIC subventions for organisers of USIC Championships

j) Deciding on whether any late applications should be included on the agenda

k) Deciding on all items on the agenda

l) Amendments to Statutes and Rules of Internal Procedure

m) Amendments to the delegation size and duration of USIC Championships in       

     Disciplines rules

n) Dissolution and liquidation of the Association

o) Approve CTT Members